New Membership Application "*" indicates required fields Name* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Mobile* Phone - Home Phone - Work Email* Membership type requested* Ordinary (Senior) $230 Ordinary (Junior, Cadet) $180 Practice (Senior) $230 Practice (Junior, Cadet) $180 Dual (Senior) $230 Dual (Junior, Cadet) $180 Vintage $30 Vintage (voting rights) $130 Associate $30 Associate (voting rights) $130 I agree to be bound by the rules of the club, follow the Driver’s Code of Conduct and the Member Conduct and Practice Rules as laid out in the By-Laws.Do you agree?* Yes Under 18 years of age? Yes No Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Parent/Guardian name* Phone number (if different to above) Email address (if different to above) As parent/guardian of* Agreement & Consent I consent to him/her becoming a member of the Hurricane Go Kart Club I agree to follow the Parent’s Code of Conduct Acceptance of this application is at the absolute discretion of the committee and shall not become effective until membership fee is received in full by the club.Payment options* Cash Cheque Direct Deposit Account detailsAccount name - Hurricane Go Kart Club of WA IncBSB - 066112Account number- 200 009 116Address for cheque - 12 Clifton St, Byford, WA 6122