Practise Guide


Although you may have seen the practice rules (please read and follow them), you may have questions that haven’t been answered. Hopefully, we can address those questions here. We may even be able to answer questions you never knew you had! We want you to have maximum fun, safely. Because of that, Hurricane has rules that all members and visiting non-members are expected to follow, so here is a guide to help you get going.

Your entrance to our premises and use of Hurricane facilities is subject to your agreement to follow our by-laws, driver code of conduct and parent code of conduct.

Frequently asked questions

Can I buy fuel at the track? No.

Can I buy oil at the track? No, we don’t have a kart shop.

Can I buy spares at the track? No, we don’t have a kart shop.

Can I buy….. Look. We don’t have any kind of shop at the track on practice days. Please remember to bring anything you think you might need.

  • If you’re new to karting, you’re not expected to know everything. Procedures. Problems. Set up. Please ask.
  • Although members have reserved pit bays on race days, this doesn’t apply on practice days. So if you see an unused pit bay, feel free to use it.
  • You and your kart are required to meet the KA standards of kart and license, even though it is only practice. This doesn’t mean we are going to be overly concerned if you haven’t got a race number on your Nassau panel. But it does mean that driver’s attire should be up to standard and you shouldn’t be driving a shifter kart on a D-grade license.
  • You must always register via KOMP prior to going out on track and you will need to show proof of this to the official on duty.
  • Before you go on the track for the first time at each practice day, you will need to sign in. The sign-in sheet is usually kept on the black stand by the gate to the outgrid. The supervisor of the day can help you if you are in any doubt. If you’re not sure who that is, just ask around. We’re a friendly bunch. Information that needs to be on the sheet are your name, license number, license grade, club and signature.
  • If you are a member, there is no fee for practice. If you are a visiting non-member, the fee is $33, payable through KOMP.
  • Closed in footwear is required in the pits and on the in/out grids. No thongs, please.
  • Vehicles may be moving in or out of the pits throughout the day. If you are driving a vehicle, drive slowly and be prepared to stop for pedestrians. If you are a pedestrian, remember that a towed trailer can reduce driver visibility and manoeuvrability. Take care of your own safety.
  • There are usually three different practice sessions, based on licenses: Cadets, Juniors, Seniors. Cadet 9s & Cadet 12s practice together. All Junior classes practice together. Generally, all Senior classes practice together.
  • Bear in mind that there are significant speed differences between the KA4 class and the unrestricted 125 class, or even gearbox karts. If you are in a KA4 class, you will have some karts pass you quite quickly and sometimes unexpectedly. If you are a faster kart, try not to “dive-bomb” slower karts into corners. Remember, they may not know you are there and may turn in unexpectedly. It is a practice session, not a race, and everyone has their purpose for being on the track.
  • Drive predictably.
  • Each practice session lasts for about 10 minutes. Sometimes, this is self-monitoring. If so, don’t hog the track.
  • If the sessions are being controlled, a flag will be waved to signal the end of each session. Always obey any flag being flown.
  • This may be an obvious thing to say, but track direction is one way only. Never drive in the opposite direction. Don’t even think about it. Don’t even think about thinking about it. When leaving the out grid, check to make sure it is clear before entering the track. If karts are approaching, be prepared to give way.
  • Be alert when circulating. There will not be the normal lights or flags to alert you of an accident or blockage on the track. Be prepared to slow down if necessary. When slowing, raise your hand to alert drivers behind you that you are slowing. You may be blocking their view of what you can see and they might not realise the need to slow.
  • If you stall, spin out or break down, put your hand in the air to alert following drivers. Check to ensure it is safe to do so before you exit your kart. Move your kart to a safe place clear of the track. Generally, the inside of a corner/corner exit is safer than the outside. Then get yourself to a safe area, normally behind a barrier. If you are not strong enough to move your kart yourself, still make sure you get yourself to a safe area. When it is safe to do so, remove your kart as quickly as possible from the circuit.
  • Before leaving the track, put your hand in the air to alert following drivers you are slowing down. Always and only use the in grid to leave the track. Be aware that others may be moving about the in grid, either exiting their karts or collecting them on trolleys.
  • Do not drive your kart past the tower. Use a trolley.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the pits or on the grids, even on practice days. If you must smoke, please go to the designated area. Just ask. Someone will tell you where it is.
  • If you have any safety concerns, please bring them to the attention of the supervisor on the day. A fire extinguisher should be located at the front of the out grid.
  • In an emergency, call 000. The address is 99 Burma Rd, Wundowie.

We want you to be safe and have fun karting.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility.