Get real. Serious fun.

Get Started in Karting at Hurricane Go Kart Club
So you want to get started, but you’re not sure how to go about it. Hurricane make it easy for you by letting you know how, and walking you through the process.

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Why Go Karting?

I don't see why you need to ask in the first place, but since you have, here are.....
6 Reasons why Karting is a good decision.
#1: Go kart racing is fun. It’s fast. It’s exhilarating. It’s exciting. The thrill of driving a real racing kart at speed is not easily forgotten. If you haven’t tried karting before, you won’t believe the buzz. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll want to do it again. And once you’ve driven a real racing kart, hire karts just aren’t going to do it for you any more.
CAUTION: Go kart racing is addictive.
#2: Kart racing is a family friendly activity. There’s go karting for kids from 6 years and up, and for adults through to just about any age. Even if you’re not racing yourself, every driver can do with pit crew and fans! It’s a fun thing to do with the kids.
#3: It can be as competitive or as relaxed as you want it to be with Hurricane, and no-one tells you off for driving too fast!
#4: It’s a social activity.
#5: Research shows that it makes people safer drivers on the road. Once you know you can spend some track time going flat out, the urge to speed on the road reduces. It improves hand-eye coordination and reflexes. It teaches driving control, and driving in control. There will be inevitable spins and off-track excursions from braking too late or going into a corner too fast. Drivers learn how easily mistakes can be made and how quickly things can go wrong. They also learn to anticipate trouble and prepare to avoid it. That experience transfers to driving on the road.
#6: These skills are particularly beneficial if young folk gain them before they start driving on the road.
I could come up with more, but why do you need them?
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